Erica De Bruin. 2020. How to Prevent Coups d’état: Counterbalancing and Regime Survival. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Peer-reviewed articles
Erica De Bruin, Ann Owen, and Stephen Wu. 2025. “Can Student Evaluations Be Made More Representative? Testing Alternate Strategies.” Studies in Higher Education, forthcoming.
Erica De Bruin, Gabriella Levy, Livia Schubiger, and Michael Weintraub. 2025. “Out-Competing Rivals: Armed Group Governance and Civilian Attitudes in Colombia.” American Political Science Review, OnlineFirst. (PDF)
Erica De Bruin, Kristen Harkness, and Jun Koga Sudduth. 2024. “Building Historically-Oriented Datasets: A Practical Guide.” Qualitative and Multi-Method Research 22(2): 69-78. Supplemental files. (PDF)
Ann Owen, Erica De Bruin, and Stephen Wu. 2024. “Can You Mitigate Gender Bias in Student Evaluations of Teaching? Evaluating Alternative Methods of Soliciting Feedback.” Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, OnlineFirst. Replication data. (PDF)
Erica De Bruin. 2024. “Power Sharing and Coups d’état in Post-Conflict Settings: Evidence from Burundi and Guinea-Bissau.” Armed Forces & Society 50(1): 274-293. (PDF)
Erica De Bruin and Michael Weintraub. 2023. “Did Covid-19 Change Armed Group Governance? Evidence from a Survey of Local Security Authorities in Colombia.” Bulletin of Latin American Research, doi:10.1111/blar.13507. (PDF)
Heather Sullivan and Erica De Bruin 2023. “Teaching Undergraduates Research Methods: A 'Methods Lab' Approach.” PS: Political Science and Politics 56(2): 309-314. Supplemental files. (PDF)
Erica De Bruin. 2022. “Policing Insurgency: Are More Militarized Police More Effective?” Small Wars & Insurgencies 33( 4-5):742-766. Special Issue on Global Counterinsurgency and the Police-Military Continuum. Supplemental files. (PDF)
Erica De Bruin and Zachary Karabatak. 2022. “Militarized Policing in the Middle East and North Africa.” The Journal of the Middle East and Africa 13(1): 93-110. Supplemental files. (PDF)
Jonathan Powell, Salah Ben Hammou, Amy Erica Smith, Lucas Borba, Drew Holland Kinney, and Mwita Chacha, and Erica De Bruin. 2022. “Forum: A Coup at the Capitol? Conceptualizing Coups and Other Anti-Democratic Actions.” International Studies Review 24(1): viab062. (PDF)
Erica De Bruin. 2021. “Mapping Coercive Institutions: A New Data Set of State Security Forces, 1960-2010.” Journal of Peace Research 58(2): 315-325. Replication files. Online appendix. (PDF)
Erica De Bruin. 2019. “Will There Be Blood? The Determinants of Violence During Coups d’état.” Journal of Peace Research 56(6): 797-811. Accepted version (free access). Replication files. Online appendix.
Erica De Bruin. 2018. “Preventing Coups d’état: How Counterbalancing Works.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 6(2): 1433-1458. Accepted version (free access). Replication files. Online appendix. Podcast discussion about the article with JCR editor Paul Huth.
Peer-reviewed book chapters
Erica De Bruin. 2023. “State-Militia Relations and Human Rights Violations.” In Paul Lorenzo Johnson and William Wittels, eds., Militias, States and Violence Against Civilians: Civic Vice, Civic Virtue. Routledge Studies in Civil Wars and Intra-State Conflict. London: Routledge.
Erica De Bruin. 2022. “Counterbalancing and Coups d’état.” In William R. Thompson and Hicham Bou Nassif, eds., The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Military in Politics. New York: Oxford University Press, online 2020 | in print 2022.
Lee Feinstein and Erica De Bruin. 2009. “Beyond Words: U.S. Policy and the Responsibility to Protect.” In Richard Cooper and Juliette Voinov Kohler, eds., The Responsibility to Protect: The Global Moral Compact for the 21st Century. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Work in progress
“When is Anti-Democratic Behavior Seen as Appropriate? Understanding Triggers and Tripwires for Democratic Backsliding.” Under review. Co-authored with Calvert Jones.
“Attitudes Toward Gendered Dissent: Evidence From Colombia.” Under review. Co-authored with Gabriella Levy and Livia Schubiger. NSF Award #2038632.
“What's in a Name? Rethinking Security Force Distinctions.” Working paper. Co-authored with Risa Brooks.
“The Causes and Consequences of Global Police Militarization.” Research in progress. NSF Award #2241490.
"The U.S. Military in a Political Crisis: Exploring the Potential for Breakdowns in Cohesion and Discipline." Research in progress. Co-authored with Risa Brooks and Theodore McLauchlin.
Other publications
Erica De Bruin and Heather Sullivan. 2025. “How Jair Bolsonaro Plotted to Steal Brazil’s 2022 Election,” Good Authority, January 8.
Erica De Bruin. 2023. “Coup-Proofing in the Aftermath of Coups d’état.” CP: Newsletter of the Comparative Politics Organized Section of the American Political Science Association 34, no. 2 (Fall): 13-16.
Erica De Bruin and Clara Harding (Hamilton College, c’23). 2023. “Teaching Undergraduates to Work with Archival Documents.” Political Science Educator: Newsletter of the Political Science Education Section of the American Political Science Association 27(1): 56-61.
Erica De Bruin. 2023. “Power Sharing and the Risks of Coups in Post-Conflict Settings.” Civil War Paths Blog, June 12.
Erica De Bruin. 2022. Review of Policing for Peace, by Matthew J. Nanes, Perspectives on Politics 20(3): 1132-1133.
Erica De Bruin and Maggie Dwyer, 2022. “How This Wave of African Coups Differs From Previous Ones.” Washington Post, The Monkey Cage, February 25.
Erica De Bruin. 2022. “Militarized Policing in the Trump Era and Beyond.” H-Diplo | ISSF, Policy Series 2021: America and the World—The Effects of the Trump Presidency, Essay No. 61 .
Risa Brooks and Erica De Bruin. 2021. “18 Steps to a Democratic Breakdown.” Washington Post, Outlook, December 10 | printed in the Sunday Outlook section, December 12. Illustrated by Hanna Barczyk.
Erica De Bruin. 2021. Review of “Explaining Divergent Trends in Coups and Mutinies," by Maggie Dwyer and Oisín Tansey. H-Diplo/ISSF.
Erica De Bruin. 2021. “Police Militarization and its Political Consequences.” CP: Newsletter of the Comparative Politics Organized Section of the American Political Science Association, Volume XXXI, Issue 1 (Spring): 103-111.
Erica De Bruin. 2021. "How Can We Vaccinate Against Viral Political Science?” Duck of Minerva Blog, Political Science Lab Leaks: A Symposium, August 31.
Erica De Bruin. 2021. “Covert Operations Fail More Often than Not, So Why Do Leaders Order Them?” Review of In the Shadow of International Law: Secrecy and Regime Change in the Postwar World, by Michael Poznansky, Modern War Institute, United States Military Academy at West Point.
Erica De Bruin. 2020. “Do Democracies Need to Worry About Coups?” Cornell University Press Blog, December 4.
Erica De Bruin. 2020. “No, Trump is Not Attempting a 'Coup.' Here's Why the Distinction Matters.” Washington Post, PostEverything/The Monkey Cage, November 11 | printed in Outlook, B2, November 15.
Erica De Bruin. 2020. “International Trends in Militarized Policing: New Data and Puzzles.” Political Violence at a Glance, July 23.
Erica De Bruin. 2020. “Subcontracting on the Subcontinent.” Review of Gambling with Violence: State Outsourcing of War in Pakistan and India, by Yelena Biberman, Modern War Institute, United States Military Academy at West Point.
Erica De Bruin. 2019. “Coups, Protests, and Violence: What to Expect in Bolivia.” Political Violence at a Glance, November 25.
Erica De Bruin. 2019. “Why Does the United States Still Believe the Myth of the 'Good Coup'?” Washington Post, Outlook, November 13.
Erica De Bruin. 2019. “Trump Wants Venezuela's Military to Remove its President. But Maduro Has Made that Difficult.” Washington Post, The Monkey Cage, May 2.
Erica De Bruin. 2014. “Coup-Proofing for Dummies: The Benefits of Following the Maliki Playbook.” Foreign Affairs Snapshot, July 27.
Erica De Bruin
Associate Professor
Government Department
Hamilton College
198 College Hill Road
Clinton, NY 13323